mardi 31 mai 2016

B4Agoodies: a maintained library/class/code module/... inventory (last updated 2016-05-31)

Hi all,

I, like many others in the forum, wanted to know what the most recent versions are of the non-core libraries I'm using in my apps, without having to resort to manually checking these libraries' forum posts to check their versions. Eventually I took things a step further and thought I'd create an inventory of all the excellent stuff that's being provided by the community, in a sustainable and easily maintainable way (i.e. with minimal manual effort). Enter B4Agoodies, an Excel...

B4Agoodies: a maintained library/class/code module/... inventory (last updated 2016-05-31)

from B4X Community - Android, iOS, desktop, server and IoT programming tools

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